To sum up the issues that will ensure scalability of your Digital Asset Management solution, building your Digital Asset Management architecture around a central asset repository that is accessible to authorized users is the first design principle that we need to examine.
The term "authorized users" can be taken in a broader context to include trusted partners, group companies, and content syndicates. The Digital Asset Management can be designed to have an extranet interface for this. In this case, the Digital Rights Management application portfolio has to be robust to address the royalty and copyright issues of the respective in-house content owners. Digital Rights Management applications vary from encryption of the assets, waremarking of assets, and access control, and tracking of rights enforcement.
The goal of Digital Asset Management solution is the creation of an in-house media exchange environment that is secure and Accountable.
From an asset production viewpoint, automated workflow to enhance the production efficiencies of creative, editing, and other functional departments, around the central asset repository is the next important criterion.
Once Assets are capable of being "Managed" with the employment of appropriate metadata, and indexing tools, asset delivery/ access either through downloadable files (web publishing), or streaming audio and video/ ITV application platforms have to be integrated into your Digital Asset Management infrastructure. This is to enable your customers interact with, and transact for your assets via e-Commerce.
Read the second part of Digital Asset Management Strategy Considerations article.